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Why Call 811 before staking?

Posted by: Area Tent & Canvas on 02/05/2009

This new national phone number is available for anyone planning ground digging or staking.

In May 2005, Common Ground Alliance brought together a diverse coalition of utility, railroad, public works, manufacturers, excavators, builders, emergency services, and other agencies to promote the idea for the best practices for damage control and to promote this new national 811 phone number.

The 811 phone number fields 15-20 million calls annually to try to prevent the approximately 680,000 utility damages each year. A call 3-5 days ahead of your event will bring a survey for you to know what's in the groung and where it's located.

So don't be afraid to call 811 MissDig if you expect a party tent/canopy or other equipment which may be staked at your event location.

One simple call can sure prevent a lot of headaches and unexpected expense. CALL 811 today!

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